How to Care for Laminate Flooring

By | October 23, 2008 5:57 am |
design tips,Interior design

Nowadays laminate floors can be named the best substitutions for wood floors ever. It is possible to use them everywhere. Since it is a common knowledge that laminate floors are beautiful and durable, also they ensure simplicity of installation, and reasonable price. What is more, such floors are really hard to damage and extremely easy to care for. Simply enjoy the following tips and maintain your floors properly:

 How to Care for Laminate Flooring

First of all always carefully read the warranty and care instructions. Never forget to read them in case something happens with you floor;

Don’t even think to wet-mop laminate floors, use exceptionally vacuum and then damp-mop method;

It is forbidden to apply wax on such floors, because such floors don’t need any special products to maintain their beauty;

 How to Care for Laminate Flooring

Before getting rid of stains – carefully read the instructions of the manufacturer. As a rule it is possible to use acetone, for cigarette burns and nail-polish spills, and some special mineral liquids for grease;

It is highly recommended to buy doormats for doorways. First of all you will avoid abrasion and the second option such mat will trap grit and sand that can lead to light scratching;

Buy and put special easy-glide protective buttons on the furniture;

 How to Care for Laminate Flooring

Never move furniture without any special appliances, you can scratch the floor. Use pieces of carpet face down when you move heavy objects across your floor. And it is better to think of helpers than try to make it on your own;

Never use abrasive cleaners, and soap-based detergents;

Never ever flood your floor either with simple water or cleaner;

Always remember that even heels can provoke unintended scratches on your floor and it case it happened, buy an easy commercial touch up kits with instructions, and try to make a simple repair process;

 How to Care for Laminate Flooring

If you are faced with an extraordinary cleaning situation with your laminate floor, you should always refer to the manufacturer’s care and maintenance instructions and recommendations.

Dust and sweep laminate flooring form time to time;

Be smart and think of some common-sense precautions, no sand, no acids, no heavy or sharp objects )))

  • Tags: floor, laminate,

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