Sponsored Video: Bill Schwab Designs Characters for Wreck-It Ralph with Galaxy Note II

By | March 4, 2013 8:37 am |

What do you know about Ralph? At least two moments should ring a bell with you – Wreck-It Ralph was one of the hugely anticipated Disney Movies 2012 since is featured tons of our favorite childhood game characters and the second option – Wreck-It Ralph is an arcade game villain who tries his best to be a hero. So, I hope you do remember Ralph and now you can draw Wreck-It Ralph with your Samsung Android phone. Impossible? Have a look at the following video:

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How To Play The Piano

By | January 21, 2013 8:59 am |

I can’t think of a single person who doesn’t love piano and some of us would die to play the piano like a pro. Yeah, it is a common knowledge that for some of us playing the piano is a dream but you can take some lessons or even watch them online and realize that dream! Are you ready to widen your horizons?


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The Best Piano Rentals Program for Los Angeles

By | January 11, 2013 8:43 am |
Ad,art,design tips

I can hardly think of a single person who has never heard of legendary pianos. Some instruments are beyond times and praises, they are timeless and flawless. Such music instruments are great investments and real feast to the eyes. Expensive pianos sounds impressive and they were made by master craftsmen who used unique technique carefully handed down from master to apprentice, generation after generation. If you still don’t know whether you really need such an accessory or not, you are welcome to try Piano Rental Los Angeles.

Steinway & Sons

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Modern Rugs with Magnetic Appeal

By | November 21, 2012 8:39 am |
Ad,Elements of designing,Interior design

The best sorts of rugs are the sort you could probably fall to sleep on while in front of the fireplace.


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Is Big Better? Design Ideas for Small Bathrooms

By | November 21, 2012 8:19 am |

So, you have the smallest bathroom ever… these things do happen! But don’t worry, believe me even the tiniest of bathrooms if decorated and organized properly can look really sweet and pretty. So how do you turn a small bathroom into a stylish, functional and beautiful washing unit? Here are a few ideas to design pretty bathroom suites for small bathrooms – so stay tuned!

Is Big Better? Design Ideas for Small Bathrooms

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Glass Art Hot Examples
by Cristina M. Gomez
Great images!! Thanks for posting.
Y.A. Studio Café Design
by anto
I love to design a cafe interior too, I love the furniture, it just a simple but elegant with green and white
Black is Beautiful: the Largest Collection of Black Markers
by JustSomeMarkers
awesome collection! I´ve never seen so many black markers... My own "collection" are remains from tagging and writing in the 90´s. But I got some markers from the 70´s I´m proud of.
Stowaway Bathtub Idea
by Danish khatri
nice all in one, i will order it now thank you
Giraffe Lamp
by Nina
where did you find this!?
Nick: angel

Nick: cleo

Art and design have an influence on all aspect of our day to day life. They affect and guide the esthetic of products big and small from architecture to stationary and note cards. The end result reflect is always influenced by the personality of the designer and it's style will always remain unique.

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