Buttered Pancakes Floor Pillows

By | October 5, 2011 10:30 am |
Interior design

I’ve seen a lot of cute and cool things but what a nice set it is. Are you ready to use a stack of pancakes floor pillows designed by Todd von Bastiaans? They literary look like pancakes with pats of butter.

Buttered Pancakes Floor Pillows

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Stoppy Doorstop Idea

By | August 26, 2011 6:56 am |
Interior design

I would love to present you one of the cutest things ever … that looks like … Stoppy, that is such a cool-looking doorstop that easily stops doors and puts smile on your face. I am ready to bet you will love it.

Stoppy Doorstop Idea Continue reading Stoppy Doorstop Idea

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Stunning Anatomical Sculptures by Maskull Lasserre

By | August 3, 2011 6:44 am |
Interior design

There are a lot of talented artists in the world but some of them are simply genies for example, Maskull Lasserre. I am ready to bet you will love his draw­ings and sculp­tures immediately. Numerous elements of fun, alle­gory, and humor are brilliantly incor­po­rated into his works. So, be ready to explore and surprise!

Stunning Anatomical Sculptures by Maskull Lasserre

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Sebastian Errazuriz’s Opera Fireplace

By | July 29, 2011 5:46 am |
art,Interior design

Famous and highly talented conceptual artist Sebastian Errazuriz presented his new concept of an Opera Fireplace. The following fireplace not only looks cool but comes in the limited edition.

Sebastian Errazuriz’s Opera Fireplace

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Awesome Adhesive Pattern Wall Tiles

By | July 27, 2011 6:06 am |
Design,Interior design

Blik and Threadless companies managed to create really unique and incredibly beautiful adhesive Pattern Wall Tiles that will turn any of your rooms into a marvellous place for living.

Awesome Adhesive Pattern Wall Tiles

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Glass Art Hot Examples
by Cristina M. Gomez
Great images!! Thanks for posting.
Y.A. Studio Café Design
by anto
I love to design a cafe interior too, I love the furniture, it just a simple but elegant with green and white
Black is Beautiful: the Largest Collection of Black Markers
by JustSomeMarkers
awesome collection! I´ve never seen so many black markers... My own "collection" are remains from tagging and writing in the 90´s. But I got some markers from the 70´s I´m proud of.
Stowaway Bathtub Idea
by Danish khatri
nice all in one, i will order it now thank you
Giraffe Lamp
by Nina
where did you find this!?
Nick: angel

Nick: cleo

Art and design have an influence on all aspect of our day to day life. They affect and guide the esthetic of products big and small from architecture to stationary and note cards. The end result reflect is always influenced by the personality of the designer and it's style will always remain unique.

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