"30" Ideas How to Make Your House Perfect

By | October 17, 2007 8:59 am |
Elements of designing,Interior design

The fall comes and you want bright colours, changes and something new? You are fed up from everything. But you don’t want to make a capital repair, so, the following advices are extremely simple and will help you to turn even an ordinary living-room into a bright and amazing one. Read carefully!

So, let’s start the repair from the living room.

  1. Living room? Who told you this non-sense? It a studio as well. So, don’t worry, it is a common situation. In such a case, there can be a lot of various cables from your PC (not everybody possess a laptop or a notebook). In order your room not to look like an office, buy a small cupboard, there you can put all things, that used to create a mess in your living-room.

    Storage cupboard for laptop
  2. Use shoji-screens, various folding-screens and partition-walls in order to separate a working zone from the relaxation one.
  3. In order your multi-functional room to look harmonic and wonderful, try to unite things in it, for example buy chairs with the same fabrics, or buy table-clothes and curtains with the same pattern.

  4. Make apertures of a the door a very nice and amazing detail. How? For example, paint them in various colours or hang something beautiful on them.
  5. Hang curtains of unsurpassed beauty, for examples big, heavy ones with a bow and enormous quantity of pleats. It will look luxurious.
  6. Paint a ceiling in the living room in a light blue colours, thus, you will make it bigger and it will seem, that air is circulating in your living room. Be closer to the Mother nature!
    Heavy beautiful curtains with a bow
  7. Use furniture on wheels, thus, you will be able to change its location every time you want. It will never make you feel boring!
  8. If your room is not so big, you can always hang mirrors in it, thus, any room will look bigger and lighter.
  9. Also, it is no use to forget about carpets, they can make any room look cozy. But, choose carpets only from reliable firms, only in such a way, you can avoid additional disappointments in its exploitation.
  10. If your room is big, try not to use a lot of small details, because they can create an atmosphere of a mess and your room will look untidy. So, it is possible, to choose one or two big items, for instance, a vase or a sculpture will perfectly emphasize your room.
    New carpet in living room
  11. Play with colours. For example, paint one of your walls into a yellow colour and the rest of the walls paint in its variations and tones. The furniture must be chosen in accordance with the wall near which it stands.
  12. Your sofa is not so bad – don’t worry, you can make an adorable case or just cover it with a bedspread.
  13. Your room looks too simple and even trite? Spice it up and fresh it up! How? Make a bright island in the middle of the room, buy a couple of bright (for instance, pink or green) cushions and put some plant nearby. It will for sure draw attention and make your living room look stylish.

New nice cover of sofa

Now, it’s came a turn of the bed room

A lot of changes can be made their, but I will draw your attention onto the following ones:

  1. A reading-lamp is not only a very practical and useful thing, but a delicious interior element as well. It can make your life brighter!
  2. A high head of a bed not only looks wonderful, it also makes your ceiling higher (at least visually!).
  3. Make your bed room a romantic place for living – hang something right under the ceiling, I mean a butterfly or a fly. It looks very spectacular!

To tell the truth, not all of these ideas are amazing, but I tried to apply some of them in my home – I was impressed, they really work. So, you can, at least, try. Oh, and the last point: I suppose you can count till 30? And there are only 16 points here, where is the rest of them? I am sorry, they will come next time. See you!

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3 opinions for

"30" Ideas How to Make Your House Perfect

  • Another "30" Ideas How to Make Your House Perfect | October 18th, 2007 at 2:23 am

    [...] we stopped at the living room ideas and know the turn goes on to the KITCHEN. Kitchen is one of the most important rooms in any house, [...]

  • Cathy | January 27th, 2009 at 6:46 pm

    I have a small apartment and need my dinging room to serve as office/ dining room and I also have my son’s toys in this room and it looks weird and cluttered. Is there some sort of piece I can get for my son’s toys that will accent my dining room not clutter it? There really isn’t room for a room-separators. Would a pantry with baskets in it serve just as a well for toys or will it still look weird? Do you have any other suggestions?

  • ayesha | August 3rd, 2010 at 9:29 am

    i want to now that,what design n colour cutains is sutible for by drawing room ,my drawing room colour is suger cane yellow,and and may window is there.plz suggestion,n send beautiful cutains design with is perfect or my drawing room


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