Jennifer Maestre Artist Preferences

By | October 5, 2007 7:22 am |
Elements of designing

Jennifer Maestre is an artists, that makes very unusual things – pencil sculptures. According to his own words, her sculptures are inspired by a look and shape of such a creature, as a sea urchin. Have you ever seen it? The same with me. But, this creature considered to be a very beautiful, even amazing one, despite her poisonous spines. These spines are very tempting indeed, everybody wants touch them can be hurt and get some dose of poison.

Asteridae pencil sculpture

My box from Nails collection (Jennifer Maestre)

It is a paradox, such a beauty and it is impossible to touch it, to hold it and take care about it. So, Jennifer sculptures are made on the same contrast – sharp pencils made (in general) kind and nice sculpture. According to Jennifer words, she takes hundreds of pencils, cuts them, drills holes, sharpens them and makes the only one sculpture. She takes inspiration from nature, animals, and other kinds of art, books, ancient legends and myths. Her story looks like this: Jen has always wanted to make a secret treasure box from metal in a form of sea urchin, thus, everybody will want to look at it, but nobody will like to touch it and the whole structure will open with the help of one spine removing. But, to tell the truth, Jen wasn’t very skillful in metal things making, so she decided to try another techniques and gradually, they led her to a new hobby and then almost a profession – pencils sculpture making. Nowadays, she uses various methods and materials of sculpture making, for example: nails, pencils. But times flies and she wanted to make her work more complicated, more interesting and not so harmful for health (liquid rubber is extremely dangerous).

Imp sculpture from Jennifer Maestre

Now, she has a lot of collections: nails collection, artist’s trading cards, pins collection, beads collection. Almost all of them are incredible and amazing, they look like big hedgehogs, bright and dangerous, like exotic fish.

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1 opinions for

Jennifer Maestre Artist Preferences

  • bet | April 19th, 2009 at 4:12 am

    fantastic way to put pencils .I was finding a way to tidy my pencils collection, but to cut them is not a god solution for my collection.I like this sculptures


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