Top Most Bizarre Buildings in the World. Part I

By | January 24, 2008 6:50 am |

Believe it or not, but most designers just can’t stand these too plain and simple buildings, they hold little appeal to such designers. They think of them as being too banal and even don’t worth our attention. But, there are some creators, who do things a little differently, they prefer making cracked and eggs houses instead of ordinary apartment ones. Most Bizarre and Outrageous Buildings in the world: 

  1. The Crooked House, Sopot, Poland

    This house is situated in Poland and was created by Polish architect Szotyńscy Zaleski. Its design was inspired by Jan Marcin Szancer illustrations and the pictures of the Swedish artist – Per Dahlberg. It belongs to one of the most photographed building in the entire Poland, possesses magnificent curves and a blue-green enameled shingles roof. Actually, it was destined to create the impression of a huge dragon, but it failed. The building is always overcrowded and contains a plenty of shops, cafes and bars. And don’t worry, it doesn’t going to fall.

    Crooked house in Poland

  2. Ferdinand Cheval Palace, France

    This building has a prominent and very intriguing story. One day, French postman Ferdinand Cheval was making a walk, suddenly a stone fell at his head. He was OK, picked up the stone and the next day returned to this place, gathered a lot of these stones and was full of eager to create a building out of the beautiful stones. He spent 33 years building this “Ideal Palace” as Ferdinand Cheval called it.

     Cheval palace in France

  3. The Torre Galatea Figueras, Spain

    Such a gorgeous name was given to the tower (Torre Galatea) where Dali spent the last years of his life. Nowadays, it is a museum. It looks really bizarre with these eggs.

    Figueres, Spain

  4. The Dog Park Inn

    It’s not a problem to stay at a 5-star super luxurious hotel, but why not try such a romantic place as the Dog Park Inn. It is the most recognizable bed and breakfast hotel in Cottonwood, Idaho. Furnishings in the form of chainsaw dog carvings will definitely draw your attention. And by the way, don’t forget to buy gifts for your pets.

    Dog bark inn

  5. Hundertwasser Building

    The Hundertwasser house (or it is also called “Waldspirale” or “Forest Spiral”) was built in Darmstadt in 2000. It got its name due to its creator – Friedensreich Hundertwasser. His design is extremely bright, revolutionary and so colourful. The house is amazing and draws attention as a huge magnet.

    Hundertwasser Building Hundertwasser building - interior

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5 opinions for

Top Most Bizarre Buildings in the World. Part I

  • Andrew Weaver | January 25th, 2008 at 10:43 pm

    Wow! This was great! The Dog Park Inn takes the cake however. Haha! A honeymoon there is a marriage ending in divorce.

  • angel | January 31st, 2008 at 9:09 am

    Hi, Andrew! Who knows, may be you are right. In any case, it is better to choose something more appropriate to spend a honeymoon.

  • Yana | February 8th, 2008 at 9:18 am

    Wow, the Polish house is awesome!I have to plan a trip to Poland now to see it :)

  • angel | February 8th, 2008 at 9:42 am

    Yeah, Yana! I wish you good luck and BTW you can share your photos with me, I will publish them! What do you think?

  • osaike | November 5th, 2009 at 9:27 am

    the polish house is awesome looks like something out of a fairy tale


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