Make Your Bedroom Design Spicy

By | September 27, 2007 5:45 am |
Design,Interior design

Each house consists of various places, and if to tell the truth, I like bedroom and kitchen the most.  But, tastes differ. As a rule, people want their friends, relatives and sometimes even rare guests to be amazed with their place of living, thus, they are trying to make special ambience by adding numerous stylish things, doodads and very often forget about the following steps in the interior design bedroom:

Ideal bed place fro sleeping

Plants and flowers

Sometimes, it is even impossible to imagine, how a single plant can change your life in a bedroom. It can fresh it up, make alive and worth coming. If you can’t cope with flowers “bringing” just buy from time to time flowers and put them in a vase.

Bedroom as a paradise


Yeah, of course, first of all, they must be clean, in such a case you’ll understand – life is not so dull, as you thought before. Then, take care about curtains – they must be always tidy, clean and match to the room interior.


Once I’ve heard such an expression from my friend-designer, that for your house it is not necessarily to have a fancy and expensive basic repair, if your lamps (sources of light) and flooring is neat, stylish and rather expensive, you don’t have to worry, your house will look decent. You can either to make hardwood floors or lay a carpet, also, small pieces of carpet will  look wonderful and turn your bedroom into a cozy living place. It is so awful, to wake up in the morning and step onto cold floor.

Perfect bed for sleeping


In order to be an ideal place for: sleeping, reading and even thinking, you have to make correspondent lighting. So, it is possible to have 2 sources of light: a ceiling light and a lamp on the night table. If you don’t like so many items to be in your room, so just buy a lamp-shade, for instance from Kevin McCarthy.


Actually, it is the Queen of any bedroom: pillows, linen, bed design… Everything is important. You know, each person spends 1\3 of his of her life while… sleeping! Don’t economize on yourself, aftermaths will be unfortunate: backache, chronic weariness, depression etc. So, you’d better care what you are sleeping at! The following advice can be helpful to you:

  • right mattress (do not forget about back support);
  • consider bed of what height do you want;
  • bed’s size is an important theme to view: better buy a big bed, thus, you can invite somebody to warm your night );
  • brand and price (without any comments);
  • of course, general look – you must like it );

Perfect bed for a perfect girl

There can be some more details and steps, but a good beginning is half the battle, so you better start and I will think what more can be added to this article…

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2 opinions for

Make Your Bedroom Design Spicy

  • Ivan Patrick Carmody | November 18th, 2010 at 2:11 pm

    These designs can really put you to sleep, in fact snoring. Such designs will give the bedroom the feeling of clarity and ambience.

  • shasha | February 11th, 2011 at 10:46 am

    very interesting, good design makes a perfect bedroom, thank you for info


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