Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie Go to Germany

By | August 3, 2007 3:43 am |

Both Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie are fed up with cameras, paparazzi and public life, their are going to leave for Germany and lead peaceful life with their children in this country. Brad was angry with reporters who made photographs of his partner looking unwell. Angelina-jolie-brad-pitt-red-carpet

He perfectly understands, that their 4 children can’t grow up in such atmosphere – it will be much better for them to stay in Europe. In the latest interview Brad Pitt said, that he is still insistent Angelina and their children to move in Berlin, Germany, because his wife feels unwell and lost her weight. Angeline decided stop acting and to support her husband in doing this. The couple thinks, that Hollywood schools are not the best place for their children to study. While visiting Berlin they fell in love with this city, it is so calm and quiet, there is no hustle and bustle there. In Berlin it is possible to find equilibrium.

Brad Pitt has already bought one house there and now he is intended to get the second one and design it together withANGELINA-JOLIE-brad-pitt his friends architects – Thomas Willemeit, Lars Krueckeberg. Actually, Brad Pitt is going to change his profession and to became a designer and architecture. In such a way he will realized his child dream. He has already signed contracts with German partners, they will come in force in September 2008.

According to the recent news, the couple is moving closer to realize this decision. In the end of July they bought a luxury 6,500 square-foot attic flat in East Berlin and are very happy because of this. Brad and Angelina already has apartments in the USA and France.

How do you think whether it will be possible for them to adopt to new mentality and language?


  • Tags: Angelina Jolie, Brad Pitt

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4 opinions for

Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie Go to Germany

  • People's fashion list | September 14th, 2007 at 4:36 am

    [...] the way, Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie was named the most beautiful and fashionable couple. Share [...]

  • Emma Watson Profile | September 19th, 2007 at 2:04 am

    [...] favourite actors are: Brad Pitt and John [...]

  • Fountains at Bellagio in Las Vegas | October 9th, 2007 at 5:00 am

    [...] significant work this company has ever produced. The movie “Ocean’s Eleven” (with Brad Pitt, Julia Roberts and George Clooney) made these fountains [...]

  • The Sexiest Man of 2007 - Matt Damon | November 16th, 2007 at 3:15 am

    [...] people. The first award was given in 1985 to Mel Gibson. Former sex symbols were George Clooney and Brad Pitt, but this time Damon won. But the 37-year-old actor turned to be a very shy celebrity, so he wrote [...]


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