Tips for Making Your Home Cozy For the Winter

By | December 3, 2008 4:59 am |
design tips

Despite the fact winter is unseasonably warm here it has already arrived in some parts of the world and it will visit us in the nearest future as well. That is why you have to be ready to meet it and apart from universally approved cozy additions to your house like homemade bread, steaming mugs of tea, warm blankets and candles you can add something completely yours, like …

  • fireplace of fish tank

Yeah, they are completely different things but both of them have the ability to hypnotize us. It is so cozy to sit in front of them and enjoy nothing-doing, simply observing;

Tips for Making Your Home Cozy For the Winter

  • hot drinks

Here I am talking not only about coffee and tea but about such never dying things as mulled wine;

  • window wrappings

Forget about lightweight organza and think of heavy lavish window dressings. Think multi-layers and thick curtains in rich patterns;

Tips for Making Your Home Cozy For the Winter

  • scents

When it is so cold outside think of spicing up your life and adding some cinnamon, vanilla or other “warm” aromas to please you while you’re at home.

  • candles & flowers

What is more you can shoot two birds with one stone – to light scented candles and it will be warm and nice in your house. Also get some fresh flowers.

Tips for Making Your Home Cozy For the Winter

  • pillows, blankets and fluffiness

Think of such pleasant details as numerous pillows and warm blankets, and some other good accessories that add a cozy feel to your rooms and comfort to you.

Practical tips:

  • don’t forget to cover your air conditioners with a reinforced polyethylene cover. First of all you will prolong their lives and then there will be no cold air in your house;
  • buy special faucet protector in order to cover your exterior faucets;
  • think of preventing your storm door form unnecessary blown opens.

Tips for Making Your Home Cozy For the Winter

Hope these tips will help you feel cozy and warm during cold winter days )))

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