Surreal Paintings by Gyuri Lohmuller

By | October 7, 2009 5:59 am |

Gyuri Lohmuller is the famous artist who adores creating surrealistic paintings. He has already had numerous exhibitions all around the world, for example, in Austria, Germany, France and Hungary. According to his fans, Lihmuller’s paintings reflect his deepest emotions.

gyuri lohmuller art

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Where to Get the Cheapest Dali Oil Paintings Ever

By | September 22, 2008 4:12 am |

To say that Salvador Dali was an amazing Spanish artist and painter, actually means to say almost nothing. He was fantastic, he was charming, he was magnificent. He belongs to one of the brightest surrealists ever. Dali oil painting are bizarre and charming at the same time, they enchant, they hypnotize and mesmerize. Once you’ve seen at least one of it, you’ll never be ready to take your eyes off it.

Dali Oil Paintings

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Rob Gonsalez Abstract Art Vision and Pictures

By | July 8, 2008 3:56 am |
Elements of designing

His pictures are amazing, thrilling and thought-provoking. I can spend hours enjoying them ))) Love Rob Gonsalez paintings, his transformations are brilliant. Choose the one you liked the most!!!

Rob Gonsalez surrealism

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Incredible Examples of Abstract Art from Jacek Yerka

By | July 4, 2008 3:57 am |
Photo/phrase of the day

Love love love Jacek Yerka art and his adorable paintings ))) Amazing combination of two environments.


Abstract Art Vision of Larry Carlson

By | April 21, 2008 4:16 am |
Design,Interior design

Larry Carlson artworks has impressed me greatly. It is unbelievable, but this person sees our world from a completely another point of view… This man is a visionary multi media artist, he works with computer and creates stunning images. His first exhibition was held in 1997 and he was named by Yahoo! the number one computer artist in the world. Enjoy abstract and surreal art pictures from Carlson.

Larry Carlson images

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Glass Art Hot Examples
by Cristina M. Gomez
Great images!! Thanks for posting.
Y.A. Studio Café Design
by anto
I love to design a cafe interior too, I love the furniture, it just a simple but elegant with green and white
Black is Beautiful: the Largest Collection of Black Markers
by JustSomeMarkers
awesome collection! I´ve never seen so many black markers... My own "collection" are remains from tagging and writing in the 90´s. But I got some markers from the 70´s I´m proud of.
Stowaway Bathtub Idea
by Danish khatri
nice all in one, i will order it now thank you
Giraffe Lamp
by Nina
where did you find this!?
Nick: angel

Nick: cleo

Art and design have an influence on all aspect of our day to day life. They affect and guide the esthetic of products big and small from architecture to stationary and note cards. The end result reflect is always influenced by the personality of the designer and it's style will always remain unique.

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