All Things Superior Clay

By | February 13, 2008 9:11 am |
Design,Interior design

Any building with its own history is worth my attention and if it is a plant, that was built more than 100 years ago, such as Superior Clay’s plant my attention immediately turns into genuine interest. The abovementioned plant is situated near the Stillwater Creek from where it joins the Tuscarawas River. This plant’s main orientation is creating a wide variety of high quality products from local clays.

Wine rack from Superior Clay

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Fireplace warms home hearth

By | August 1, 2007 2:35 am |
Design,Interior design

My first acquaintance with masonry fireplaces was 5 years ago. Since then I am in wonder, why people use and buy them so rare. To tell the truth, I have never seen a real fireplace but I did my best while studying them. According to the official data it can be called one of the most environmental, ecologically friendly and pleasantly looking appliances! Geniolfireplace

Moreover, it creates the atmosphere of coziness and comfort, it can warm your heart and soul. Actually, I adore movies, where ancient castle has a fireplace and a knight with a princess are sitting there during cold winter nights or during the periods of heavy raining.

There are two types of fireplaces. No doubts, a proficient architect will name you at least five, but this classification has the right to exist, as well. So, the first one – real, MASONRY FIREPLACE. How does it work? Hot air inside of fireplaces warms stones or bricks and there are two flows of hot air, one to the chimney and another into your home. Thanks to the God, as the fire burns the wood inside, exceptionally hot and clean air comes into your home but your chimney (if it happened to have lungs) would have suffer a lot. This air pollutes the atmosphere. Fireplaces are both very convenient and economic. As the fire burns for an hour or two, your house stays warm for one day. It is even possible to make it with your own hands if you are skillful and talented enough!

Another type, and it is easy to guess -yeah, ARTIFICIAL. Actually, sometimes they even don’t produce any heat, they considered to be just a Outdoor_fireplacebeautiful, stylish picture, that perfectly emphasizes your home designing. These fireplaces can be soapstone and even portable. You can put them wherever you want and they don’t even need a chimney. Portable fireplaces can be seen even on the tables, fire in the glass tube looks amazing, it can calm our mind and nd make you feel comfortable at any place. The only one minus, they are rather expensive.

And the last point, even if you have a conventional fireplace, while going somewhere, check that it is unplugged. or if you are lucky and possess a genuine fireplace, make sure nothing can be inflamed.

P.S. Remember fireplace gives you the feeling of home and native place, the smell of fire and sound of crackling wood will make you feel on the 9th cloud.




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