Jason DeMarte Abstract Art

By | July 1, 2009 5:02 am |

Jason DeMarte is a famous and talented American artist who was born in Louisiana in 1973. However, most of his life he spent in Colorado admiring its natural beauty, amazing landscapes and relaxing atmosphere. His interests were evident: nature and photography. Now Jason has his B.F.A. in Photography and his M.F.A in Photography. He visited numerous countries and enjoyed their cultures gradually embodying them in his current works.


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Michelle Armas Paintings

By | December 4, 2008 5:41 am |

Michelle Armas’ works are one of a kind and they always attract attention of people around. Her works are bright and so though-provoking, they bring us into a completely another world, a world of dreams and illusions, a world of fantasies and secret wishes.

Michelle Armas Paintings

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Darren Waterston Abstract Art

By | November 18, 2008 5:39 am |

Darren Waterston is an American artist who was born in California in 1965. He graduated from the Otis Art Institute in Los Angeles and continued his studying in Germany. Now he lives and works in San Francisco, California.

Waterston’s paintings are very abstract and leave much to imagination. As a rule he creates watercolors and murals. Darren a had a lot of international exhibitions and he still has numerous permanent collections.

I love the most the following collection from Waterston:


Aurora is a series of paintings where the artist shows his own perception of the world and depicts it in his works. The pictures are very surreal and they provoke numerous thoughts.

Darren Waterston Abstract Art

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Mark Rothko Life and Pictures

By | October 1, 2008 4:36 am |

“I am not an abstract painter. I am not interested in the relationship between form and color. The only thing I care about is the expression of man’s basic emotions: tragedy, ecstasy, destiny.”

Rothko abstract art

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Lev Bartenev Funny Abstract Illustrations

By | September 1, 2008 4:55 am |

Lev Bartenev has an adorable talent to put smile on our faces. He creates fantastic illustrations and he makes people laugh. Would you like to join?

Lev Bartenev illustrations

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by Cristina M. Gomez
Great images!! Thanks for posting.
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by anto
I love to design a cafe interior too, I love the furniture, it just a simple but elegant with green and white
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awesome collection! I´ve never seen so many black markers... My own "collection" are remains from tagging and writing in the 90´s. But I got some markers from the 70´s I´m proud of.
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by Danish khatri
nice all in one, i will order it now thank you
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where did you find this!?
Nick: angel

Nick: cleo

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