Custom Silkscreen Pet Pillows

By | June 26, 2013 5:48 am |
design tips,Elements of designing

You will never believe that here comes a huge selection of custom pillows since they can be created with a photograph of your pet on them. Such cuties come from Shannon Broder.


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Lumiball – LED Lighted Golf Balls

By | June 18, 2013 7:12 am |

Love playing golf? Can’t stand the necessity to make stops let alone to wait until the new day comes? I am here to offer you a fantastic way out that looks like the set of absolutely awesome Lumiball – LED Lighted Golf Balls.


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Childhood Lighting Balloon X Lamp from Haoshi Design

By | May 31, 2013 6:06 am |

All our childhood dreams can easily come true once you buy absolutely hilarious and all new Balloon X Lamp from Haoshi Design that perfectly knows how to capture childhood magic. This wall lamp is made of balloons and it tends to float away forever.

balloon lamp

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Bird Figurine Fans

By | May 22, 2013 6:48 am |

Summer is the right time to strive for fresh breeze and to replace your outdated fan. How about the following cute bird figurine fan that can be an exceptional way of adding some beauty to any room?

Bird Figurine Fans

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Mind-Blowing Boat Fountain in Spain

By | May 21, 2013 8:13 am |

This fountain definitely made my day – it looked everything but boring and this absolutely awesome Water Boat Fountain at Playa de la Malvarrosa in Valencia, Spain attracts attention and makes people turn their heads in bewilderment.

Mind-Blowing Boat Fountain in Spain

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by Cristina M. Gomez
Great images!! Thanks for posting.
Y.A. Studio Café Design
by anto
I love to design a cafe interior too, I love the furniture, it just a simple but elegant with green and white
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by JustSomeMarkers
awesome collection! I´ve never seen so many black markers... My own "collection" are remains from tagging and writing in the 90´s. But I got some markers from the 70´s I´m proud of.
Stowaway Bathtub Idea
by Danish khatri
nice all in one, i will order it now thank you
Giraffe Lamp
by Nina
where did you find this!?
Nick: angel

Nick: cleo

Art and design have an influence on all aspect of our day to day life. They affect and guide the esthetic of products big and small from architecture to stationary and note cards. The end result reflect is always influenced by the personality of the designer and it's style will always remain unique.

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