Jacek Yerka Surrealism Pictures

By | October 11, 2007 4:27 am |
Elements of designing,Interior design,News

Jacek Yerka belongs to one of my favourite artists, he is from Poland and has already made a lot of exhibitions in Warsaw, Los Angeles, Dusseldorf, London and Paris. His home is not just his castle it is a studio as well.

Kindzaza painting from Jacek Yerka

Amazing painting from Jacek Yerka

Jacek was born in 1952 and only in 1980 became a real successful artist. While studying at the University, Yerka can’t stand the pressure of teachers and instructors – they told him what to do and how to do and told him to be less realistic. But, Jacek didn’t pay attention, he continued working in a Flemish style. And, finally, teachers gave up and admitted Jacek to be a genius.

Jacek Yerka vision of a city

The first serious picture of Jacek was made a year before entering the college. In college, he studied graphics. Yerka had a very happy childhood and considered it to be a some kind of Golden Age. Everything was beautiful: buildings, people, architecture… namely these surrounding made a great artist out of me.

Illusion of sunset by Jacek Yerka

And now let’s talk a little about Yerka’s paintings. It is not easy to draw a picture. The first stage is – work of imagination, then comes a turn of a small rough copy. The 3d stage – time proving, a project rests for some time and if after a week or two the artist still has no decision to go on with it, it will never see real life or can be sold to a collector.

Yerka tea ceremony picture

Each work costs approximately rough $3000. Yerka’s paintings are mainly acrylic on canvas.

P. S. In warm weather artist works below his favourite tree. Jacek says, that its scent inspires him…

Train in the fall by Jacek Yerka

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13 opinions for

Jacek Yerka Surrealism Pictures

  • secret | October 11th, 2007 at 11:41 pm

    That’s…amazing! He’s now one of my favorite artists, thank you for sharing him with me.

  • angel | October 13th, 2007 at 7:14 am

    You are welcome, Secret. I like his pictures, they are really incredible. I can spend hours while looking at them.

    • kmal | December 20th, 2009 at 10:13 pm

      me too, Angel. I have my screensaver loaded, all with Jacek’s work. I spend hours looking at them, and now I do these electronic musical soundscapes (ambient) attempting to translate the feelings of his works into sound. A feat I cannot say I have achieved, but the attempt is what matters. His technique is very advanced, and it’s kickin’ my butt to even attempt that level of artistic development. It’s definitely raised the bar in terms of me as a composer and electronic artist. At times I have been able to capture sonically perhaps a feel of some of his works. But again, that’s very subjective. But I believe it needs to be done for some reason. heheh.

  • Vladimir Kush Surrealistic Paintings | October 29th, 2007 at 6:41 am

    [...] now his permanent place of living is the USA. So, ladies and gentlemen, a representative of the surrealistic art is to your attention – Vladimir [...]

  • michael ochoa | January 24th, 2008 at 1:34 pm

    hey I like ur work and wow, well i was woundering if u had any other good ones that could inspire my young-self kinda like a of a view of this world trying to connecet with another you know what im saying well if u have it can u send it to my e-mail and if u dont have one yet i hope i gave u and idea on a new inspirational thing for your work well thank for taking your time on reading this i hope to hear form you soon

    sincerely Micahea Ochoa

  • [...] love love Jacek Yerka art and his adorable paintings ))) Amazing combination of two [...]

  • Shush | January 25th, 2009 at 3:35 pm

    He is really excellent. He isnt as breath-takingly surreal as Salvador Dali, or as confusing as Alex Pardee but he has a subtler way of making you think.
    I really like him.
    Thank You.

  • Jennifer Kathleen Phillips | January 25th, 2009 at 9:07 pm

    I like Yerka’s art. Love the way the clouds grab the balloon basket.

  • sanjay | March 16th, 2009 at 11:15 pm

    sir , i am an artist ,iwant to work in surrealism please advise me what to do for it how can i achive my gole if u have some time for me please give me suggesion. thanks

  • Smakovich | April 18th, 2009 at 10:06 pm

    Wait…the fourth painting, the cloud balloon flying over the mountains, i think that’s actually Vladimir Kush, not Jacek Yerka, but the rest of the painting ARE Jacek Yerka…i know because i’m a follower of the surrealism, old and new, and i know both artists.

  • Roberto | October 31st, 2009 at 10:26 am

    Amazing! Please, can you recommend me any album or book by Yerka?

  • Jennifer Kathleen Phillips | December 21st, 2009 at 4:40 pm

    I bought “The Fantastic Art of Jacek Yerka” A portfolio of twenty two paintings.

  • shakthi | December 11th, 2010 at 3:50 am

    Wonderfull and amazing paintings i really like this very ;much


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