Design Your Life in a Funny Way

By | October 3, 2007 9:05 am |
Elements of designing

Nowadays, sometimes it is impossible to watch TV, because ads are almost everywhere, they interrupt movies, cartoons, shows and interesting programs. It seems to me, that their creators have forgotten – very often they can have another effect – people want everybody to leave them alone and get rid of advertisement, that’s why they intentionally don’t wanna buy things, promoted on TV.
And I made a list of things that are not very useful (and may be for some people can be extremely useful), but they can rise your mood and make you laugh! Get acquainted with funny doodads:

Number one in my list:

  • Service Tray Sounds strange and not decent for the first place?

    Funny service tray

    But, I am ready to bet, you have never seen something more odd and funny? Why? Because, I am sure, you will never split your milk or any drink while they are on this tray. It has special chamfers for your fingers. Choose any colour you want!

  • Dancing tables Actually, they are not dancing at all, at least, they didn’t dance when I switch on the music. But, while sitting near such a table you can think, that its legs are curve and almost ready to fall. Friends, be sure, they are will stand for many many years. I hope! You’ve got an opportunity to check.

    Dancing tables

  • Cacti ladder I like this ladder, you must be sober and forget about alcoholic drinks while you are going to use it for climbing. This ladder is difficult to use but it can be an ideal emphasize to any interior. Try it!

    Cacti cute ladder Another cacti ladders

  • Cute waterpot Very often we forget to buy waterspouts for our flowers and then don’t know what to do. We feel upset and try our best to water the flowers from cups and other not very convenient things. But, some people took care about our comfort and designed a cute waterpot. You can use any bottle and out it on it. Your flowers will always be safe and sound!

Useful and convenient waterpot

If you want to find more funny doodads, just click here and don’t forget to switch the language.

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  • Tags: ladder, , waterpot

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1 opinions for

Design Your Life in a Funny Way

  • Heather Pirret | July 9th, 2008 at 6:54 am

    I am desperately looking for a really funky ladder to buy and the cacti ladder would be perfect – please may you tell me where you discovered it and where I could purchase it? Thank you very much


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