Another "30" Ideas How to Make Your House Perfect

By | October 18, 2007 2:23 am |
Elements of designing,Interior design

Hi, my dear friends! How are your? What about your stylish decisions? Have you tried one of my ideas? If your answer is “yes”, I am so glad and if your answer is “no”… I would like to present you another portion of hot advices. Let’s go on!

Yesterday, we stopped at the living room ideas and know the turn goes on to the KITCHEN. Kitchen is one of the most important rooms in any house, flat or apartment. I adore kitchens, from my point of view, it is a start, a beginning of any living place, kitchen perfectly reflects the nature of your home, its energy and style. No doubts, everybody wants to have a big and spacious kitchen, but, a desire can be a desire till the rest of your life – do something, at least, read the following information:

Stylish kitchen design

  1. If you kitchen doesn’t look like a real gym and doesn’t possess its space, you can hang a lot of specular surfaces in it, such as mirrors, glass surfaces, metal things etc. Thus, it will look bigger;
  2. Take big and beautiful dishes out of the cupboard and hang them on walls, in such a case they make the walls more exquisite and notable;

  3. Try not to forget about lighting, it is so important in order to make your kitchen cozy and nobody will notice (and you as well) that your kitchen hardly looks like a football field;
  4. If you are fed up from your old fridge and you don’t want (let’s call it just want!) buy a new one, it is possible to paint it into another colour. A nice decision yeah? You are satisfied and your products will have no depression because of the getting apart with a beloved fridge!

Now, I am going to tell you more about your children’s life. I don’t know you and your children as well, but I will advise your how to make their room look adorable. So,the next stop is a nursery.

Cool brown and green nursery

  1. Your child adores painting? Put his pictures in frames and hang them on walls, you will be surprised how amazing can look children’s paintings;
  2. Make a graffiti zone for your child, choose a part of the wall and paint it with a special mat paint – give your child an opportunity to show his or her talents;
  3. Make curtains a real treasure box. How? Sew various pockets, thus, you child will have an opportunity to hide and put things there;

Bathroom, the second important place in any apartment (of course, after a kitchen):

  1. If you are a successful owner of a bathroom with a window, decorate it with blinds of a metal colour, they will be a perfect match to chrome tubes and so on;
  2. Don’t forget, a bathroom is first of all, a place for living, so you can decorate it with alive flowers (but, don’t forget to choose only such flowers, that adore moisture);
  3. Pay attention to colours – a bathroom carpet, curtains and towels must be of the same pattern and colouring;
  4. One of the most adorable designing decisions to make your bathroom white and hang a lot of bright details on to the walls;

Glamorous bathroom

And finally I came closer to a lobby, it goes without speaking, a lobby is a face of your house. Make this face worth looking at:

  1. If a corridor is very small, divide it into 2 zones, thus, people will perfectly see the measures;
  2. If there are old cupboards in your corridor, change them or make new doors;
  3. A single swing door in a corridor replace with a rolling door – you will definitely have more space.

Amazing lobby

So, use the following design tips and tell me your impressions! Thanks in advance.

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    4 opinions for

    Another "30" Ideas How to Make Your House Perfect

    • Dana @ Decoration Blog | October 18th, 2007 at 5:42 am

      Great tips. I really enjoy the corridor tips, awesome and simple ideas.

    • angel | October 19th, 2007 at 1:09 am

      Thank you, thank you and again thank you! I will try my best to satisfy your expectations.

    • Larysa | April 9th, 2008 at 11:26 am

      i love the picture of the baby’s room. my husband and i are about to start on our baby’s nursery. is the giraffe and tree painted on, or are they wall stickers. if wall stickers, where do you purchase them? thank you!


      • Mariyah | September 5th, 2009 at 10:38 am

        I have actually seen stickers like that..uhm they are usually at craft stores, or any kind of decorating store


    Have an opinion? Leave a comment:

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