10 Things I Want To Have In My Home

By | November 6, 2007 4:33 am |
Elements of designing,Interior design,News

t is not very cold today, well, actually, not extremely cold. But, the presence of winter is clearly perceived. The wind is strong and even icy, leaves are still falling, some trees are almost nude. It seems that my soul is freezing together with the Earth and ground. So, just to warm it up, I decided to drink a cup of tea and to write a list of things I want to be in my own home. No doubts, I can wish a hat from Phillip Treacy or a picture from Pablo Picasso, it doesn’t matter, I will never have one. At least, this autumn. Dear friends, pay attention, things, apart from various and ultra expensive TV-sets, DVD’s, gold desk accessories and so on. Just funny and stylish doodads.

  1. The first place is occupied with… a picture from Vladimir Kush or Jacek Yerka. I will hang it in my hall and will spent hours while looking at it, enjoying it and finding new details. It is so thrilling. And, please, don’t even dare to think that these pictures are cheap and not popular at all, oh, no, in no case. I just don’t have to compete with Louvre in order to hang it in my own room. I adore surrealism, it is incredible art.

    Arrow of time picture from Kush

  2. The next thing I would like to see in my home is a KISS Chair from Silence and Grace. Why? Because it can make me laugh, it will draw attention of my friends and occasional visitors, because I feel myself a real designer while looking at it (actually, this chair is made in a form orchid, but I can spend hours while proving, that it is a KISS!) But, I don’t want to cheat myself – it is not convenient at all.

    Orchid chair

  3. Snow White Vacuum Cleaner from Electrolux, not because I adore cleaning, but because I adore my home being clean. This vacuum cleaner will always remind me, that if you dance you must pay the fiddler. It is a must to clean it after the cleaning. Also, it a completely silent device. I just like it.

    Electrolux white snow vacuum cleaner

  4. Cute small toy owl from tweed, cotton and almost real eyes. It looks like a guest from my childhood. I already imagine myself with this owl, I will take care about it and love it. And when we will be in a quarrel with my owl, I can put pins in it and then take them off and say “I am sorry!” I just want it.

    Owl tweed toy

  5. Moonlight tea-service. When it is cold outside I adore drinking tea. Very often I like drinking tea in the middle of the night and to observe the moonlight. But, it is very challenging, because, I can be late for my work. So, to buy this moonlight service is a perfect opportunity to kill two birds with one stone.

    Paloma Bone Votives

  6. An outdoor chandelier, for example, from Kodjo Kouwenhoven. It will provide me with opportunity to breath more while sitting in front of the chandelier on the threshold of my own house. I can even put an aromatic candle there. Oh, adorable!

    Outdoor chandelier

  7. A contemporary fireplace from Dominique Imbert. It looks a little bit futuristic and even strange. But, none of my visitors will have a desire either to touch it or to put a leg under it. Thus, it will be safe and sound.

    Contemporary fireplace

  8. Nairobi Bombe Chest. Because it is stylish, fashionable and will create an atmosphere of an old and luxurious castle. And one more reason, I will never buy one, ’cause I’ve got completely another furniture. :-(

    Nairobi Bombe Chest

  9. The Artichoke Vase by Esque. It is bold, bright and stylish. I will look from my window and see yellow leaves (then my mood goes down), then I will look at this vase and understand that winter is coming soon (so, leaves are not so bad, my mood goes up!). Moreover, it is exquisite and eye-catching.

    Artichoke vase

  10. Pillows from Paco+Lupe. They are tremendous and so lovely! And a good news – I can put it under my back in order it to fell comfortable while sitting on the KISS chair. Bright colours, they will help stay tuned during cold winter and late autumn months.

Paco+lupe pillows

And now, please, just imagine me, sitting on the KISS chair, looking ate the picture of Vladimir Kush with my owl, tea-service and other stuff. Funny!

  • Tags: home design, Jacek Yerka, , vase, Vladimir Kush

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