Oriental furniture

By | July 11, 2007 4:26 pm |
Design,Elements of designing,Interior design

Bedroom, is a place where you, your family, even your favorite pets and toys can rest and calm down, or just recuperate after a challenging and nervous day. Nowadays, the bedroom is not just a room to sleep in. Here you can relax and spend some time with your beloved person, a book or a TV set, as you wish. Sometimes it seems to me, that Japanese Designs can take you to the Heaven.

It is one of the main Japanese rules – when making something, to make it well, to thought over even a minor detail. speaking about bedrooms, it must be a safe place, where you to understand – our world is not evil at all and its doors is open to everybody, here one must feel safe and sound. Japanese mottos in designing are: simplicity, good taste, harmony with our nature.

Japanese Furniture and Japanese Home Decor

Remember, everything must be chosen very carefully, each detail has its own destination and location. Each of them is produced to match every other detail in this furniture set. As an example, can be taken a set of the Japanese Furniture, named Ansu. It has a translation “Something New”. As a rule, each Japanese bed has a platform, perfect contour of lines, ideal shape and design. Rest, ease, peace are synonyms to Japanese beds.

While talking about Style of Japan it impossible to forget about “The Raku” – it is popular Japanese Tatami Bed. Raku is a Japanese word, and in English it means “Simple Comfort”, and our Japanese Tatami platform bed is the perfect expression of simple comfort. Simple as in easy to set up and enjoy, comfort as in lie back and relax. Embodying the Zen principles of simplicity in style and harmony with the world around us and nature. This is our traditional Japanese style bedroom

By the way, have you ever heard about Zen Principles? I really like them. There are seven main principles: simplicity, radiation of truthfulness and the best people’s feelings. The second one is imbalance. Do you know there is always an ideal to follow? Everything and everybody on the Earth must have a strong desire to achieve it. But nature tells us – there is no perfection. The third one is nature. Try to be as close to it, as possible. Even if you live at the 19th floor in the center of New-York, try to buy furniture, linen and things of natural material. Austere – this point doesn’t need any comments. Creativeness. Get rid of limits, just forget about them. You are an inventor; let your creativity to shine through. Calmness. It is no need to hurry. When you are calm, you can think sober and make perfect decisions. Penetration. Look at the inner essence of things, feel them, and perceive them.

So, if you want to make something in the Japanese style, follow these seven principles. Always remember furniture and other things must be natural products. This furniture will in no way harm your health. Interesting fact, as a rule, such furniture does not have any nails, screws or steel dowels. Its parts are joined together with a help of special locks and due to genius construction.

Once, I slept on one of these rooms! First of all, it was so unusual and even uncomfortable. But in the morning I got up rested, relaxed and just happy. They say, it is because of the right position of my body and each part of it. This posture didn’t prevent my blood from circulation, so my body was pleased. I mean it! these beds are incredible, noticeable and take care about our health, what can be better?

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    6 opinions for

    Oriental furniture

    • Sindy | July 18th, 2007 at 1:29 am

      This is very stylish. I found many interesting things

    • Angel | July 27th, 2007 at 7:42 am

      Thanks, Syndy! I suppose you will find a lot useful information here. I will try not to disappoint you!

    • Real waterfalls in your home | August 8th, 2007 at 2:47 am

      [...] you know something about Zen principles?They are very important in every day life of any person. According to these principles, fountains [...]

    • Interior Design Trends 2008 | January 4th, 2008 at 4:31 am

      [...] important for those, who want to leave in peace and harmony. I have already wrote about them and Oriental furniture. So, follow Zen, believe in [...]

    • Dormitorios Zen | January 6th, 2008 at 9:15 pm

      [...] Via | artstyleonline.com [...]

    • home staging project photos | February 28th, 2011 at 1:50 pm

      It looks luxurious…
      i wish i have a room decorated with that furniture.


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